Your comprehensive billing platform
and so much more!
Our billing platform will take all of the burdens of collecting payments off of your plate.... seriously.
Parents can easily see their bill as they check their child in and simply pay with cards on file or
their child’s wallet without even needing to stop by the front desk. Your staff can be free to focus
on the children vs tracking down tuition.

The dashboard keeps track of customer payments & wallet balances. You can easily see when an account is past due &your parents can easily see their bill in the parent portal.

Parents can make payments from their mobile device
without having to download any apps & they will be notified
of any payments due upon checking in their child.

Each child has a Wallet that can be used to pay services &
any family member can contribute, making it ideal for all
types of unique family structures.

Super intuitive reconciliation reports that allow you to easily see who owes how much & for how long they have owed it.

Billing is simple & automated, which means any child that is enrolled in your programs will automatically be billed without you having to set anything else up.