For Center Directors & Business Owners
As a Center Director or Business Owner, you’ll be able to quickly view your school and see the most critical details of your business performance in real-time.

Live Status

Check the most up-to-date business status with our integrated dashboard and reports. See who’s in, who’s expected, and highlight areas that require your attention.

Know the exact location of staff and every kid in the daycare at any moment

Easily move kids & staff between classrooms in real-time, and do other last-minute changes as needed.

See who is coming and who already left

Monitor and resolve problems on the go

See planned capacity vs actual

Be notified when there are unpaid bills
Manage Booking Requests

Get notifications for booking requests and update your waitlists.

Get real-time notifications about new booking requests, or updates to a current ones

Make changes and adjustment to booking requests, leave comments, approve or decline.

Control who can manage requests

See Request History, approve, decline, or make changes and distinguish by whom and when the request was created
Staff Planning
Check the most up-to-date business status with our integrated dashboard and reports. See who’s in, who’s expected, and highlight areas that require your attention.

Plan your staff schedule with real-time preview of the entire week

See planned, actuals and over hours, calculated in a real-time
And many more

Class Scheduling
Easily view, change, or schedule new classes to keep your capacity right-sized for your business goals. Manage changes to room capacity and sell excess capacity to maximize revenue.

Manage Financial Flows
Keep track of customer payments, wallet balances, and get notifications when an account is delinquent.

Viewing Reports
Create reports for any part of your business to aid in making the best decisions possible to maximize your revenue per student.